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June is Pride month giving us a time to celebrate diversity and love. The word philanthropy means Love of Humankind! Health care is an industry with a tremendously diverse workforce who put their life on the line every day to care for community. Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital treats each and every patient that walks through our doors with respect and kindness. This month we celebrate diversity, love, kindness, and philanthropy--Love of Humankind!

“Supporting local health care has always been important to us. The Hospital has been there for our families and our employees when we all needed it most. Having surgery, whether planned or emergency, should be close to home with the best technology. Please join us in support of local patients who need surgery at Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital.” Dave and Sharon

SNMH Foundation is excited to announce a generous challenge gift from Board Member Dave Painter and Sharon-Winegar Painter. Dave is one of SNMH Foundation's newer Board Members and has jumped in with both feet to support our local hospital.

Dave and Sharon will match dollar for dollar gifts for the Surgery campaign up to $5,000 to help complete the campaign by June 30, 2022.

You can help us meet the match with a gift today!

Hospital President and CEO, Dr. Scott Neeley
Raises the Pride Flag on June 1st

Click here for a video of the flag raising and a message from Dr. Neeley


Celebrating the 27th Annual BSM Triathlon


 Registration Opens June 13th



 Kimberly's Last Your Health radio show
on KNCO Newstalk 830

Monday, June 13th from 9:00 am - 10:00 am on KNCO
with guest Sandra Barrington, Associate Director, SNMH Foundation.

Sandra is currently the Associate Director and was recently hired by the SNMH Foundation Board of Directors to be the next Executive Director. Tune in to hear Kimberly reminisce about her time at SNMH Foundation, what has been accomplished, and to chat with Sandra regarding what the future holds.

News from our partners at Agency on Aging Area 4 

  June is Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Awareness Month. As the number of older adults continues to grow, and with more individuals being isolated due to COVID-19, we have seen more people become vulnerable to all forms of abuse. For this reason, Agency on Aging Area 4 has developed an advertising campaign to bring awareness about elder and dependent adult abuse.

The purpose of the campaign is to educate Californians about the different types of abuse and how to report abuse to the appropriate local Adult Protective Services agency and Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program. Visit http://elderabuseawareness.c4a.info/ to learn more

The  Eight Types of Abuse: 

  • Self-Neglect – Refusal or failure to provide himself/herself with adequate food, water, clothing, shelter, personal hygiene, medication (when indicated), and safety precaution.
  • Physical Abuse – The use of physical force that may result in bodily injury, physical pain, or impairment; or any physical injury to an adult caused by other than accidental means.
  • Neglect by Others – Failure to provide the basic care, or services necessary to maintain the health and safety of an adult: this failure can be active or passive.
  • Sexual Abuse – Sexual contact with a non-consenting adult or with an adult considered incapable of consenting to a sexual act.
  • Financial Abuse – The illegal or unethical exploitation and/or use of an elder’s funds, property, or other assets.
  • Mental Abuse – Verbal or emotional abuse includes threatening significant physical harm or threatening or causing significant emotional harm to an adult through the use of: Derogatory or inappropriate names, insults, verbal assaults, profanity, or ridicule; or harassment, coercion, threats, intimidation, humiliation, mental cruelty, or inappropriate sexual comments.
  • Abandonment – the desertion or willful forsaking by anyone having responsibility for care.
  • Isolation – Preventing the individual from receiving mail, telephone calls, or visitors

Here in California, Adult Protective Services (APS) receives more than 15,000 reports of elder and dependent adult abuse per month, and reports are increasing. 

There are an estimated 202,549 cases of reported elder and dependent adult abuse PER YEAR in California. Elder abuse is significantly underreported. For every case known to programs and agencies, 24 are unknown. For financial abuse, only one in 44 cases is known.

Help the California Association of Area Agencies of Aging and partners around the state to raise awareness about elder and dependent adult abuse. Learn about the different types of abuse, how to recognize them and how to report abuse to the appropriate local agencies. 



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Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital Foundation
140 Litton Drive, Suite 220
Grass Valley, CA 95945
(530) 477-9700